Thursday, March 13, 2014

Results from "Fill the Bus"

FGC had a great first year of Fill the Bus.  As a school, we collected 1, 293 food items.  Mrs. Monahan's class brought in the most (278 items) and had the honor of helping to load the bus.  As a district, we "filled the bus" with 9, 274 items through out the day.  All of those items are staying right here in St. Louis and have been donated to Jewish Family and Operation Food Search.  Thank you to everyone in the community for your efforts in supporting this worthwhile service project.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fill that Bus Starts Today!!

Fill that Bus (an Annual District-Wide Character Education Event), begins today March 5th.  Students are encouraged to bring in canned food/non-perishable food items from today through the 12th.  All items will be stored in homeroom classes until the bus arrives the morning of the 12th to collect and take to area food pantries.  Any student that brings in a can on Friday is allowed to wear a "cap". Thanks for your support FGC!