Friday, January 29, 2016

Preparations for Kindness Counts Campaign

Our FGC Character Council students were hard at work yesterday during both their recess and lunch in order to prepare for our upcoming Kindness Counts Campaign.  The campaign will run from February 1st-February 26th.  During the campaign, we will be promoting an act of kindness each day in school, at home, or in the community.  We will also be documenting and discussing our favorite ways to demonstrate kindness and having a special kindness quote of the day on announcements each morning.  Here are a few of our Character Council kids yesterday sharing their ideas for the campaign and preparing their scripts to present to their classes.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Our First Career Cafe

Yesterday, we had an outstanding turnout for our first Career Cafe of the school year.  Over 80 of our Fifth Graders chose to come during their lunch time and hear a presentation from our very own Nurse Ann Body (first two lunch periods) or a personal finance educator, Ms. Maggie Schamber (second two lunch periods).  Both presentations were fantastic and our students were engaged and excited to hear about how their current interests may help guide them into their own future career.  We look forward to many upcoming speakers in the coming months including: an Art Curator from the St. Louis Art Museum, a CEO, a politicial consultant, a psychiatrist, a sports marketing specialist, a research scientist and many more.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Thank You NCADA

Throughout the month of January, the NCADA (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse) visited each homeroom class to deliver a lesson entitled "Download This." The powerful lesson included many examples of how to be safe and appropriate while on line.  The FGC greatly appreciates the presenters and St. Louis NCADA for allowing us to receive this relevant and meaningful program at our school. Thank you NCADA!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

"Bow Wow Volunteer Now" Service Learning Project

FGC students were thrilled to kick off a new service learning project this past Friday with the Animal Protection Agency (APA).  Jennifer Blome hosted the event as well as many volunteers through APA and their four legged friends.  This project would not be possible without our amazing parent association (thank you parents). Students are excited to bring in items for the APA as well as donate their recess time to make dog beds and cat toys.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome Back Dragons!

I hope everyone enjoyed their long winter break. It was great to see so many smiling students this morning as they entered the building.  Second semester is sure to bring lots of learning and fun. Happy 2016!