Thursday, December 21, 2017

Happy Holidays!

We wish peace and joy to all our FGC Dragon Families.  We will miss you and look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday January 8th, 2018.  Please enjoy this time together and be safe.

A "Dragon Snowman"

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dragon Leaders 2017-2018

Our amazing Dragon Leaders had the opportunity to pose for a photo together with Dr. Helm and I a few weeks ago.  They continue to inspire me with their ideas, hard work and dedication to our school and community.  Thank you Dragon Leaders!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Career Cafe Speaker Request

We have had a great response for Career Cafe so far this year...but are looking for a few more speakers to share their career and their educational journey with our students.  If you are interested, please fill out the form that was sent home last week and return to the counseling office or email me at  Our students love hearing about future career opportunities from experts in the field.  Thank you!  -Ms. Amy

FGC Career Cafe 2018

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Celebrating "Dr". Helm

This week at the FGC, we have been celebrating our amazing principal, Dr. Helm.  We surprised her with an assembly on Monday to congratulate her on receiving her doctorate degree last weekend.  We had special guests including Dr. Helm's family, Dr. Jahnke, and former co-workers and friends.  All students in our building wrote Dr. Helm a congratulatory note and one student from each team was selected to read their letter and present Dr. Helm with a gift.  We are so very lucky to have Dr. Helm as our building principal.  Her passion for doing what is best for kids is above reproach. Congratulations Dr. Helm!