Saturday, January 27, 2018

Ability Awareness Day 2018

Each year, the Fifth Grade Center explores "abilities" of people through our Ability Awareness Day. As a homeroom class, students move through various stations and classrooms learning about vision impairments, physical disabilities, learning disabilities and attention difficulties. These engaging lessons attempt to spread the message that we are all unique and have abilities that make us stand out in wonderful ways.  Teaching kids "People First Language" or putting the person before the disability is key to helping our students understand various levels of ability and how ultimately it is much more about what each person is able to do, over what they are not.  Attached are a few pictures of our students as they went through the various stations on Friday.  Our morning sessions end with a review and class discussion of "10 Things to Do When You Meet New People" (Even When They Have a Disability) from Patricia Mervine's Book How Katie Got a Voice and a Brand New Nickname.

Fifth Grade Center
Ability Awareness Day
January 26th, 2018

10 Things to Do When You Meet New People
(Even When They Have a Disability)

1.    Look right at the person and smile. 
Don’t point…don’t laugh…..don’t ignore….don’t stare.

2.    Face the person and use your normal speaking voice, don’t mumble.
Even if the person has trouble hearing, don’t shout! And don’t talk to the person as though they are younger or not as smart as you.

3.    If the person is with a caretaker or care assistant, sign language
interpreter, or other companion, speak to the person, not the companion.

4.    Talk to people at their eye-level.
If you are talking to a person who is in a wheelchair, kneel or sit down so you are at eye-level.

5.    If a person has a service dog, ask for permission before petting.

6.   Only touch or play with that which belongs to you. 
Some people who have disabilities use computers and other equipment called “Assistive Technology.”  Even though these devices look cool, they are often fragile and expensive.  They are not toys!  Do not touch them or play with them.

7.    Be an attentive and patient listener.
Some people who have speech disabilities can be difficult to understand.  Be patient, let them know their message is worth waiting for.  If you don’t understand the message, it is OK to ask them to say it again.

8.    Ask first before helping someone. 
Just like you, people with disabilities want to be as independent as possible.

9.    Talk about subjects that are interesting to both of you.
People who have disabilities are interested in the same things you are, talk about those subjects and not their disability (unless they bring it up).

10. Focus on a person’s abilities, not what he or she can’t do!

***The most important lesson of all…. TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED!


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Our First Career Cafe of 2018

Our first Career Cafe today was a huge success.  Over 80 fifth graders chose to attend one of the sessions during their lunch shift.  Thank you to our wonderful speakers, Mrs. Sue Lackey (Occupational Therapist) and Mr. Tom Ackerman (Sports Director at KMOX Radio).  Our fifth graders love learning about future career opportunities!



Sunday, January 21, 2018

Thank you NCADA!

Each year at the Fifth Grade Center we look forward to having the National Coalition Against Drugs and Alcohol present their "Download This" Lesson to our fifth graders.  Over the last two weeks, each homeroom class had a presenter share a lesson about netiquette, cyber bullying, and overall internet safety on social media.  We absolutely love community partnerships with local organizations and know that our students truly enjoy these relevant and interactive lessons.  Thank you NCADA!

For more information about NCADA, please visit:

Friday, January 12, 2018

Martin Luther King Jr.

As we prepare for a day of remembrance and tribute for Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, I would like to take a moment to share a few of my favorite quotes by Dr. King:

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

"I have decided to stick with love.  Hate is too great a burden to bear."

"The time is always right to do what is right."  

"Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education."

As you enjoy your long weekend, please take some time to reflect on the messages of Dr. King and also some time to reflect on how you can be a service to your own community, neighborhood, city, and country.  

For more information about Martin Luther King Jr., please visit the following sites:

Career Cafe Schedule of Speakers

I have finalized the speaker schedule for FGC's fifth annual Career Cafe series. We are looking forward to having community members and parents come and speak to our students about their careers.  Speakers typically share their career journey with students, including their interests in childhood, college/s chosen, total number of years in school (post high school), what a typical day or week looks like, the most rewarding part of their job, challenges in their chosen career as well as any other information that is pertinent to their particular career.  Any student that is interested in learning more about a particular career is invited to attend. For more information about our Career Cafe, please contact Ms. Amy at or 314-983-5577.  A huge thank you to our speakers for volunteering for this event.  Our students absolutely love learning about careers!

FGC Career Café

January 24th
4th Period Lunch Blocks    Sue Lackey-Occupational Therapist
5th Period Lunch Blocks    Tom Ackerman-Sports Director (KMOX Radio)

February 7th
4th Period Lunch Blocks    Melissa Wolfe-Art Museum Curator
5th Period Lunch Blocks    Audra Harrold-Entrepreneur/Fashion Designer

February 21st
4th Period Lunch Blocks   Jennifer Brinker-Real Estate Agent
5th Period Lunch Blocks    Ashok Nageswaran-Chef

March 14th
4th Period Lunch Blocks    Karen Loiterstein-Marketing
5th Period Lunch Blocks    Dr. Andrew Wheeler-General/Bariatric Surgeon

March 28th
4th Period Lunch Blocks    Christopher Braig-Saxophonist/Composer/Publisher
5th Period Lunch Blocks    Gregg Keller-Political Consultant

April 11th
4th Period Lunch Blocks    Dr. Allison Ogden-Physician/ENT
5th Period Lunch Blocks    Shyra Huddelsten-Accountant

May 2nd
4th Period Lunch Blocks   Kendall Davidson-Entrepreneur/Transportation
5th Period Lunch Blocks   Melissa Collins-Microbiologist/Virologist

Monday, January 8, 2018

Welcome Back Dragons!

Welcome back Dragons!  We missed you and are looking forward to a great second semester with you.