Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring Updates

Spring has officially sprung and we are definitely all enjoying these warmer temperatures!  Here at the FGC, we have recently held Ability Awareness Day and had another great round of Career Cafe.  On Thursday, we hosted Dr. Anu French (a pediatrician) and Michelle Spirn (an attorney).  Our kids always enjoy our speakers!  We have also been busy preparing for our fifth graders to transition to Ladue Middle School while at the same time preparing activities for current fourth graders to come to FGC next year.  It is hard to believe there are only four weeks of school left!  This year has flown by (even more so than most).  This has truly been a great first year!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MAP Testing is Off to a Great Start!

Our first day of MAP testing has come and gone.  Everything ran very smoothly.  We will be testing for the remainder of this week from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 10:30 a.m. 

There is no "Dragon" our tails at FGC, we are "Fired" Up and ready for MAP!  Go Dragons!!